How i got here!
I started off as a normal young girl with a passion. I worked my way though hard times to get to where i am. I believe that i am capable of great things, and will be a great asset to anyone willing to work with me.
important information.
The smart mirror
I'm preparing to make a smart mirror. A touch screen mirror like the fancy workout ones you see. It is the biggest thing i have done yet.
Culinary readiness
I have experience in making dishes for commercial and non commercial events. I am certified in the food handling aspect and put my all into every dish.
i learn things very fast!
In a little over a year i have learned Java, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and i am learning more!
What the future holds
For my there is a lot of opportunity to do anything that i would like. I could work in high class restaurants or use my computer programming experience to work for major companies. I think that any way i go i will try my hardest in that aspect. My future affects not just me but others and i hope that everything i learn can help me in changing everything i effect for the better.